Saturday, January 2, 2010

I can see the hurt, the sadness, the sheer helplessness

     I live in the mountains of Eastern,Ky. I don't know how much anyone out there know's about us, or our lifestyles. I can only hope to relay it in some sensible fashion.
     You could say this place is pretty much poverty stricken, oh there's plenty of family's that still have alot, they have made it in almost impossible circumstances, I applaude them, I really do. I wish every family here could say that, I look around and there's times when I have a hard time walking out my door, I just don't think I can take much more! I see children without the essentials, food,clothes, warm homes, and most of all I see children without love.
     Now I am not saying that all children here that have to live in poverty are without love, most certainly not, if love could feed and clothe them, I would have to say the majority of the children would be wearing name brand clothes only, for they are loved greatly, many a mother lays in bed at night here with three or four babies in the bed with her to give them her warmth, and many a father lives in total depression over not being able to provide "enough".
     I consider myself blessed, we barely make it at times, but we DO make it. My children have nice clothes, they can wear brand names when momma finds them on sale, but they are never cold, never hungry, or never starved for attention.
I have two beautiful girls, smart, healthy beyond reason healthy, and I thank a awesome God in heaven everyday for that!
     I often ask God what Lord would you have me to do? I wish it could be as plain as seeing words in a book or on a wall in big huge letters that one could not miss or mistake for their life instructions. That of course is not how it happens, I am still not sure how you truly know your purpose, but I am sure of one thing, until you are fufilling that purpose, your heart is going to ache,long, feel a void because you are not living your purpose, I think we all have a purpose, a reason, a destiny. I believe when we are fufilling our purpose we feel, full, peace, the sun seems to shine on just us for that one moment. I can either be one of those people that long for the answer, or one of  those people that go and get the answer, find it, dig for it, or die trying.
      I must be honest I don't have a clue how or where to start, but there's a reason I am faced with these little faces staring back at me in sadness, my heart breaks for a reason, I have seen people that can walk away from them without another thought, I do not judge those people, it must not be their calling to provide, but I know that I know its mine.
     I think how oh Lord, I barely give to mine at times, I have spent mornings getting my daughter ready for school thinking can I scrap up enough change for her to buy snacks or extra lunch at school? I now know that has been my problem all along, I couldn't see the big picture, I could only see what was right in front of me, I refuse to ask Him how anymore! I am determined to just trust Him to send the way, I have seen Him do it many times, I know He will now.
If any of you have any idea's on how to bring help to your community, how to get food in to your city, or clothes please comment and let me know, I will not give up, I must help the children of the mountains, they suffer in silence, I cannot sleep knowing that even one is in bed hungry right now, all I want is for His wisdom, and knowledge to guide me thru this time, help me find my way, allow me to make footsteps in the snow where there is none, use me any way you see fit Lord, I know you will provide the means, I will not look to myself anymore, for you are so much bigger and better than I can even imagine, I ask for your help Lord, send the right people, open the right doors. Teach me how to set these people free, for those that are free in Christ are free in deed!

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