Friday, February 19, 2010

Dining Room Photos: HGTV Dream Home 2010 : Dream Home : Home & Garden Television

Dining Room Photos: HGTV Dream Home 2010 : Dream Home : Home & Garden Television
I just have to blog about this year's Dream Home Giveaway. They built the most fabulous home
I have ever seen in New Mexico. This home has everything I have ever wanted in my dream home, its
built out by itself, nothing but beautiful landscape all around it, miles from anyone by the looks of it.
My precious daughter has went on the HGTV site everyday and looked at the pictures, she can't sleep
at night for think about it. We entered every single day, I so hope we win, it would truly be a dream come
true for us all.
If anyone knows anything about life in Eastern,Ky you know about the only resource is coal, and to say
that they have pretty much robbed us of our precious coal is putting it mildly. Its been the life blood of Eastern,Ky,
we are just about out of our blood supply. There needs to be something here that can replace the work that we
have always gotten from the coal mines, good mining days are long gone, we need something to bring
life and excitement back into the hills of Ky, if we don't get it soon it might just turn into a ghost state:(
The Dream Home is the most beautiful home I have ever seen, I just must say, I would pass out if HGTV
showed up on my doorstep, what huge blessing it would be indeed. They not only give you the beautiful brand
new built home, sitting on the most beautiful place on earth, but they also give you $500.00 thousand in cash
and brand new suv:)
I mean they set up whoever wins this home for life you could say, you have a home, a roof over your and your
families heads, a car to drive, and money to start a small business or investment to grow that money into some-
thing that could potentially take care of your family from now on! I think its super great, and I think the
Sandia Park location is so beautiful, yes I could see my family starting over there:)
Well I guess we will just have to wait on March-15th-2010 to hear the winner, so don't be surprised to
OF NEON,KY!!!!!!
Well a girl has to have a dream, and mine and my 7 year old daughters dream is that home, she so fell
in love with the playhouse built on the house in the back, I can close my eyes and see my girls eating a good
breakfast of different fruits, yogurt and running out to play in the Alice and Wonderland play house.
Kudo's to you HGTV, you really outdone yourself this year, with location, house, money and car.
I think its great the way you give a home away every year like this, you could really make someones life
with that amazing home, if by some chance its not us that wins it, I pray that some awesome deserving
family that struggles as we do, gets it, that there's children somewhere that has never had anything, parents
that cry at night wondering how they are going to give those children some kind of future. I hope some
family like that wins. A family like us, if not us:)
Well that's my blog for today, your never to old to dream, and actually no matter what hand life has
dealt you, you should never stop dreaming, if we don't win this house, we still have our dreams, God still
hears our prayers, one day is going to be our day.
Here's to the winners of the HGTV 2010 Dream Home, take this blessing and run with it, hold onto your
dreams knowing anything is possible, make the most of the blessing that has been bestowed upon you.
HGTV, has given you a golden opportunity to build an awesome life, don't let this chance pass you by, fly with it
they have put you in a beautiful home, with a car and money to start something great, do that start something
great, and start something that helps others, for you can do no wrong in helping others, HGTV has helped you
to get a leg up in this life, now turn around and pass that blessing onto someone else. PAY IT FORWARD, SOMEONE

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My mom and me

its been a while since I have wrote anything, I have been in deep depression at times, but have effectually hide it, I have two daughters that I do not want them to remember me as "the depressed mom" but have been worried about my mom, she has been getting very bad reports from then doctors, they think her cancer has come back, and my wonderful mom as usual is so very strong, so full of amazing faith, she said if she always got a good report then God would not have anything to heal, she doesn't want to take treatments, that way when God heals her He will get all the glory for healing her. I agree, I almost always agree with her, she is the fabric of my being, she is my sunshine, she truly is, I love her so very much, I can't even allow myself to think about living without her, she's the scent to every beautiful flower I see!
     I have always been amazed by her ability to love me no matter what, when I have been really bad, she still loved me, when I'm good she loves me, but it takes more effort to love one thats bad.
     I have watched her serve the Lord all of my life, I could only hope to live in her tracks, I could never be as amazing, just never:(
     She's going for a biopsy tomorrow, it will tell the tale, but I don't know if I want to know, if its the cancer back, I would rather not know until she's healed, lol. I know I don't want to go through the hard part, but I will, and I will love her the entire way.
     Mom the things you have taught me I will cherish for all of my days, I love you so very much, you will never know, I have not told you near enough how much you mean to me, you are my sunshine, I just don't know if the sun would ever shine for me again without you:( I have one thing and one thing only to bring comfort, I know how much you love the Lord, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you will go to heaven someday, I hope that day is so far off, I need you mommy, I can't imagine not having you, I can't imagine my little girls not having you, little Raina thinks there's nothing in this world like you mommy:) She has the best grandmother in the world, and Jada is starting to want to call you, and want to come and see you, she's sad in a way, really Jada has no one but me and Tom, she has another living grandmother, but one that has nothing to do with her, never asks about her, never even sends her a little card, my little Jada, she has to know you, she will never forget what a great grandmother you are:)
     I'm not good with words and telling someone face to face how much they mean to me, but you are my everything, I always want you to know how much your love has meant to me, in my darkest days, I always knew I was not totally alone in this world because of you, I  knew I had no one at times, not a sister, a brother, a friend, but I knew I had you, no matter how bad It seemed that I was, you never turned your back on me, and for that I thank you, it gave me the strength to try to be a better mom to my girls, it gave me the strength to seek help for my problems, only because of you, always being there.
     I will never ever turn my back on my little girls, no matter what they may do, I will be there for them, you were me and I will be for them. I know there were times when everyone wanted you to walk away and turn your back on me, but you never did, and thats what eventually brought me around, so again, I love you so dearly, thank you for being my mom. Thank God for picking you to be my mom, just to have you has been worth all the bad things I have endured, you were the bright spot in the darkest of days for me:) 
                              your daughter, 
                                                Vanessa (Moselle) love you:-)